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Home Inspection Reports

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Once we’ve delivered our findings, we’re happy to schedule a follow-up consultation with both you and your agent. Where we can discuss the report in-depth, provide recommendations, and decide on the next steps..

Reports by system

The home inspection involves a non invasive, full visual and performance-based inspection of the 9 home systems. •Roof •Exterior •Structure •Electrical •Heating •Cooling •Insulation and Ventilation •Plumbing •Interior •Plus Over 400 Sub Components •Plus, Site Conditions ie: Draining & Fencing etc.

Photos & Videos

The recommendations in your home inspection report will be annotated with text & or shapes. Making it easier to know exactly what you’re looking at.

Build Request List

Realtors can quickly use information from the report using the Build Request in order to request price concessions or repairs from sellers.

Types Home Inspections

Buyer's Pre-Purchase Home Inspection

A home inspection will help you to avoid potentially costly repairs that could otherwise go undetected until they become even more costly. Our home inspection report includes the following: photos, videos , severity and recommendations. This gives you insight into the current condition of the home to give you a clearer understanding the investment you’re making and potential future costs.

Post Purchase Home Inspections

"So you skipped the Home Inspection to make the deal go through!"
No problem we are here to help! A home inspection can be done after closing and before or after possession date. The home inspector's report is delivered the next business day. The benefits are: 1) Ensure the home is family safe. 2) Get a prioritized repair list. 3) Discover any undisclosed issues to report to your realtor and lawyer.

Seller's Pre-Listening Home Inspection

Some homeowners want to make repairs to their house before they put it on the market. The goal to maximize their home value! Using their home inspection report as a baseline reference of what repairs or upgrade to make before listing. Please understand that some buyers may still want to hire their own home inspector even if the seller has already had an home inspection done.

Annual Maintenance Home Inspections for Home Owners & Landlords

A home like a car or truck a needs to have regular maintained. As homes age, the quality of the building and its utilities begin to deteriorate. Our annual maintenance home inspection includes roof, plumbing, electrical, foundation, attic insulation, and building structure. Also customizable for Landlords of Property Managers. Call for more info.

2/5/10 Year Home Warranty Inspection

Do you have a 2-5-10 New Home Warranty Program? If so the home owner can document all deficiencies in writing and report then to the builder, H.P.O. (Homeowner Protection Office) & the Warranty-Provider, before those critical days run out. It takes a Residential Home Inspector who is familiar with all the standards to find the rest and document them.The best time to re-inspect is after you have been living in it but prior to the one year warranty expiring.

Inspection Tools: Water Pressure, Moisture Meters, Electrical Testers &Thermal Imaging

An infrared scan finds issues that may not be visible to the naked eye and catch them before they become a major problem.
Our Flir infrared camera, helps us identify moisture, insulation, electrical, HVAC issues, and more.
Our Moisture Meter allows us to tell if moisture is in the walls even behind the tiles.

Your Home Inspector - Licensed & Insured


I am a Nationally Certified Home Inspector, having completed my studies at one of the leading home inspection colleges in Canada. Additionally, I am fully licensed to conduct inspections in the Province of British Columbia.

With over 15 years of experience in home renovations, including expertise in kitchen and bathroom upgrades, closet systems, as well as window and door installations, I possess a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of home construction.

I understand the importance of home inspections when buying, selling, or maintaining a property. As such I am dedicated to ensuring that you receive the utmost value and insight from your home inspection experience.

Home Inspector Certifications
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